At an extraordinary meeting, the National Council for Tripartite Cooperation will discuss the draft budget for 2025 and the plan-accounts of the State Social Insurance and the Health Fund.
The budget includes record-high expenses and revenues. Revenues are over 90 billion leva, and expenses are almost 97 billion. The difference is 6.4 billion leva or 3% of GDP, but it falls within the requirements of the eurozone.
The calculations in the new budget were made assuming 2.8% economic growth and 2.4% average annual inflation. The maximum amount of debt that the state can reach is nearly 60 billion leva, of which new - 16.9 billion leva.
The increase in salaries in the Ministry of Interior, Defense and Education is maintained. However, the growth of salaries in the state administration is limited to 5 percent. After the preliminary announcement of the parameters of the budget plan, it was necessary to redraw it, and it was announced that the increase in pensions will remain according to the Swiss rule and will be 8.6% from July 1, and not the previously announced 5 percent.