The Minister of Health of North Macedonia Arben Taravari is arriving in our country. This was announced specifically to BNT by the Minister's spokesman Sabri Aziri.
Taravari will visit the victims of the fire in the disco in the city of Kocani, who are accommodated in Sofia. Aziri commented that Bulgaria was not only the first country in the Balkans, but also in the entire EU, which, through its Minister of Health Silvi Kirilov, has offered medical assistance in this complex situation.
A total of 51 of the victims are being treated in six countries. Bulgaria and Serbia have accommodated the most - 14 and 17, respectively.
Later, the Minister of Health of North Macedonia will also visit Thessaloniki, where four of the fire victims are accommodated.
Bulgarian Patriarch Daniil served a Trisagion for the victims of the tragic incident in Kochani, BNT reported.
At the Metropolitan Cathedral "St. Nedelya" His Holiness prayed for the repose of the souls of those who died in the fire in Kochani.
After the funeral service, a blessing of oil was also served for the healing of the victims. His Holiness commented that the sudden tragedy that occurred is a test that should make everyone think.
† Daniil, Bulgarian Patriarch and Metropolitan of Sofia: "God provides for our salvation. May this tragedy shock us all. May it make us think, what we do is often to allow many things in our lives, about which we say: "it may pass this way, it may pass that way". And we bring ourselves to a state in which we see that things are not going this way. Even if we are shocked, let's be a little more careful with our lives and, realizing this, let's pray for those who are in difficulty at the moment."
Meanwhile, photos of Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić with the victims of the fire in the disco in Kočani caused a wave of indignation on social networks, both in Serbia itself and in North Macedonia, reported.
Vučić published photos on his personal profile of how he visited the victims of the fire in a disco in North Macedonia, who have been sent for treatment in Belgrade.
"For us, the tragedy in Kočani is as if it happened somewhere in our country. I believe that we will be able to help these people who came with terribly serious injuries. "We are at the disposal of our Macedonian brothers and friends and are ready to accept more patients because we have first-class hospitals," Vucic wrote on Instagram, adding: "The Macedonian people will not have it easy and we will always be with them, just as they were with us."
Вучич вкара в една от стаите с тежко пострадал младеж над 20 репортери, фоторепортери и оператори.
Най-честите коментари в социалните мрежи по повод ПР-кампанията на Вучич с пострадалите е: Изпратихме ранените да ги лекувате, а не да си правите ПР. Срам и позор!
Без лиценз, без елементарни условия за пожарна безопасност и дори без дръжка на вратата на аварийния изход - така е работела дискотека "Пулс" в Кочани. Властите в Скопие заявиха, че няма да има милост за виновните за пожара, предаде БНТ.
Yesterday, the organizers of the concert were arrested, but they consider themselves heroes, not criminals.
- Do you feel guilty?
- We are heroes, brother. We saved more than 200 people. If we hadn't saved them, there would have been more deaths. I stayed inside until the last moment.
Words from the organizer of the DNA concert, upon entering the police station. This man is one of the 20 arrested in connection with the tragedy in Kochani.

From the BNT team in Kochani: Grief and anger - protesters smashed the disco owner's establishment
Former Economy Minister Kreshnik Bekteshi - a member of Ali Ahmeti's Democratic Union for Integration - is also at the so-called "informative conversation" with the police. There will be no mercy and everyone will suffer the consequences - the promise that Prime Minister Hristijan Mickoski made. Yesterday he announced that it was Bekteshi who issued the disco's license in exchange for a bribe.
"What happened is much more than a crime - this is mass murder. You will all be held accountable. There will be no mercy, regardless of whether you are politicians - you will all be held accountable! There will be no mercy, you will pay. We will pull them out of your homes by the ears! Only 12 establishments have a license - they all have to close. We will close them", said Hristijan Mickoski, Prime Minister of North Macedonia.
The "Pulse" disco - a former carpet warehouse, had only two fire extinguishers. It did not have a fire protection system, and the ceiling was made of flammable foam - contrary to all safety requirements. The room had a single entrance, and the emergency exit did not have a handle on the inside of the door.
"The gaps are really big, I can say that this is an erosion of the system," said Ljupco Kocevski, the Prosecutor General of North Macedonia.
The discotheque had its license revoked only twice in over 25 years of existence and had been operating illegally. The concert by the hip-hop band DNA was organized without a contract for its holding. It is being clarified exactly what kind of pyrotechnics were used on the fatal night. The man who was responsible for it is among the 59 dead. On the tragic night, at least twice as many people were allowed into the establishment.
"According to initial information, there were 500 people in the nightclub with 250 tickets sold. The company did not have a license. "This license, like many other things in Macedonia's past, is connected to bribery and corruption," said Panče Toškovski, Minister of Interior of North Macedonia.
7 minutes of silence - for each of the seven days of mourning in North Macedonia. Thus, students from Skopje honored the memory of the victims of Kočani and demanded punishment for the perpetrators.