България: Предстоят мъчителни решения за бъдещетоКоментар на Емилия Милчева: Политиците често бъркат площада с парламента и тогава се чуват заплахи като изречената от лидера на “Възраждане&r ...23.01.2025194
Европа иска да въведе цифрово евро. Какво представлява то?Цифровото евро, известно още като Е-Еuro или D€, е прието като проект от Европейската централна банка (ЕЦБ) още през юли 2021 г. То предвижда във ...23.01.2025203
Trump at the GateThe peaceful transfer of presidential power in the United States has been the political norm since the end of George Washington's second term 228 ...23.01.2025213
"France has no place there. Emmanuel Macron leaves Africa and the Middle East to Putin and Erdogan?Nikolai MARCHENKO Paris is increasingly ceding control over Africa to Moscow and Beijing, even though many of the countries on the contin ...23.01.2025349
The Economic Consequences of Trump 2.0
The second administration of US President-elect Donald Trump began at noon on January 20. Trump’s relentless campaign since his loss to Joe Bide ...
Борисов и Пеевски: Власт в сянка и премиер за параван?Коментар на Веселин Стойнев: В България коалиционното управление изобщо не е популярно, затова се избягва да се нарича коалиция и стигнахме до евфе ...23.01.2025163
Двойното дъно на българската политика"Я тва за двойствеността на българската политика го знам, бе, мене жокер ми не требва", би казала публиката, ако трябва да перифразираме еди ...22.01.2025160
Trump – territorial predator number 2 after PutinIn general, threats of territorial annexation come more from authoritarian powers in the East. From Putin’s Russia, which attacks its neighbors ...22.01.2025228
Защо Русия заобикаля Покровск: Каква е далечната цел?Какво ще стане, ако руската армия завладее Покровск? Този въпрос се обсъжда от медиите и експертите от август 2024 година насам, когато руските войски ...22.01.2025108
Стратегически завой към РусияРуският президент Владимир Путин сключи с иранския си колега Масуд Пезешкиан всестранно споразумение за укрепване на връзките в момент, когато странит ...21.01.2025122
With 16 Billionaires: How Trump Wants to Save Ordinary PeopleComment by Alexander Detev: Donald Trump returned to the White House and promised to end the power of the “corrupt and radical elite“, ...21.01.2025121
The Return of the King: Trump Makes History"America First" could also mean American imperialism, and that is quite worrisome, writes ARD on the occasion of the new American president& ...21.01.2025146
Новата роля на Бойко Борисов и първият тест за управлениетоКоментар на Емилия Милчева: За първи път лидерът на ГЕРБ Бойко Борисов не само няма да е министър-председател на правителство с мандата на ГЕРБ, но ...21.01.2025232
How Trump plans to end the war in UkraineOn January 20, the new US President Donald Trump will take office. Will he be able to fulfill his campaign promise and end the war against Ukraine? Ho ...20.01.2025148
Why Ukrainians criticize the army leadershipMany soldiers are exhausted and demoralized, and commanders make mistakes and succumb to corruption. The Ukrainian military leadership is increasingly ...20.01.2025131
Here are the paragraphs on which the EC is "beating us with punitive proceduresAt the end of last year, the European Commission issued a report on which country has not done what to transpose European legislation in its country. ...20.01.2025189
Svetoslav Ivanov: Do you want to play with fire, guys?After a 10-month break, Bulgaria has a regular cabinet. 20 years after the Triple Coalition between NMSV, BSP and MRF, today we are again witnessing ...19.01.2025194
Putin's black tankersThe term "shadow fleet" refers to the ships used for smuggling, with which Russia circumvents Western sanctions. This fleet consists mainly ...18.01.2025202
Sad stories from the Bulgarian borderAt the end of 2024, Gaia spent about two months in Harmanli as a volunteer for No Name Kitchen - a civil movement committed to protecting the human ri ...17.01.2025212
Faced with a serious challenger, Orban is moving closer to pure authoritarianism"IF IT KEEPS ON RAINING, [the] levee's going to break" - these lines from the Led Zeppelin classic can be used to convey the strain that ...17.01.2025228
Захари Карабашлиев пред ДВ: Надигат се демони и тъмни силиКак би обрисувал днешния свят на 17-годишния Захари Карабашлиев? Захари Карабашлиев: Ще му кажа, виж, момче, това е най-лесният за живеене, неочакв ...16.01.2025163
Will they stop sending soldiers to RussiaDelhi wants to withdraw the Indians who are fighting on the side of Russia against Ukraine. The Russian dictator's small victorious war has failed ...16.01.2025207
Peevski has four parties in the National Assembly and three in the governmentVelislav Velichkov is a lawyer and chairman of the independent civil society "Justice for Everyone". Alexander Detev spoke with him. It i ...16.01.2025177
The long-awaited ceasefire in Gaza could stop the killings, but it will not end the conflictA senior Palestinian official has told the BBC that Hamas will release three Israeli female soldiers on the first day of the ceasefire period. Mediato ...16.01.2025162
Who holds the trigger of the Zhelyazkov cabinetIt is already a fact: Bulgaria has a regular government. The "Zhelyazkov" cabinet started with clear assets and liabilities, and the trigger ...16.01.2025175