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The Renaissance of Central Asia: Towards Sustainable Development and Prosperity

For centuries, the Central Asian region has operated as a single geopolitical and spiritual space possessing significant natural resources, .

Aug 8, 2024 14:51 388

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Kasem-Jomart TOKAEV, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan


The symbiosis of the nomadic and sedentary way of life became not only the basis of the economic system of the region, but also predetermined the formation of its own political and legal culture, its own system of values, which is distinguished to a high degree by tolerance and resistance to any changes . In the vastness of Central Asia, empires were created and collapsed, political and economic models developed, but their unique identity was invariably preserved.

Since time immemorial, our peoples have interacted harmoniously with different civilizations.
Thanks to this, the region plays a key role in the history of the Great Silk Road and greater Eurasia as a whole, while maintaining its ethno-cultural and spiritual identity.
At the stage of modern development history, our countries have gone through many trials and tribulations. Pessimistic predictions that the Central Asian republics will join the group of so-called “failed states” are not confirmed.

The countries of the region have proven their worth and have taken their rightful place in the international community.
Thanks to the unity and wisdom of our peoples, we have strengthened our territorial integrity, freedom and independence.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that today every country in the region has gained its own unique experience in state building, the development of a market economy, the restoration of cultural heritage and the formation of a national identity.

Public and state institutions have been modernized. Developed infrastructure and industry were created, thousands of kilometers of new railway lines and roads were laid, important social facilities were built. Our course towards openness and renewal has ensured the progressive growth of national economies and integration into world economic relations.

The systematic development of the education, health care and pension insurance systems led to a significant improvement in the socio-economic situation of the population.
Interstate relations in the region have also undergone drastic changes. Constructive bilateral and multilateral dialogues have been established between the countries at all levels and mutually beneficial cooperation is developing.

Progress in resolving problematic issues that previously often led to contradictions and hindered the overall development of regional cooperation is of fundamental importance.
Success in finding win-win solutions in the water and energy sectors deserves high praise. Favorable conditions are being created for the gradual progress of issues regarding the delimitation of state borders, improvement of the work of border crossings, expansion of transport links, opening of new routes and facilitation of travel for citizens of the 5 countries.

Processes of rapprochement aimed at joining forces in the name of ensuring long-term security and prosperity of the region have become consistent and irreversible.
Today, the relations between the five countries have reached the level of a deep strategic partnership and alliance, filled with specific content in the political, trade-economic, cultural and humanitarian spheres.

Central Asian countries managed to develop their own pragmatic strategy for foreign policy relations, which created a stabilizing balance of interstate and interregional interests and allowed us to become full participants in global processes.
"Central Asians", strengthening the status of peace-loving states, actively promote their ideas and projects in multilateral structures, are the founders of such successful and influential organizations as the CIS, SCO, CISMDA, OES, EAEU, OTG and others.

All this allows us to speak with confidence about the “Central Asian Five“ as a group of steadily developing and self-sufficient countries in the very heart of the Eurasian continent.
There is no doubt that the common historical past, the centuries-old traditions of friendship and good neighborliness will continue to serve as an unshakable basis for the rapprochement of our brotherly peoples.


Thanks to their geographical location, the states and peoples of Central Asia have for centuries contributed to mutual cultural enrichment and the establishment of an inter-civilizational dialogue on the continent. They made a significant contribution to maintaining peace and mutual understanding. Today, Central Asia continues to successfully fulfill this noble and responsible mission.
Our countries have similar views on issues such as global sustainable development, ensuring universal security and stability, provide mutual support within regional and international structures, co-authors of important resolutions of the UN General Assembly.
The increase in the political weight of Central Asia as a subject of international politics is also evidenced by the emergence of new platforms for dialogue in the form of “Central Asia Plus”.

To date, nine meetings and several summits have been held in this format. In the last two years, the first meetings of the “Central Asia– Russia” (Astana), “Central Asia – China” (Xian), “Central Asia – USA” (New York), “Central Asia – Germany” (Berlin) and two meetings of the heads of state of Central Asia and the European Union were held (Astana, Cholpon-Ata), the first summit meeting “Central Asia – Gulf Cooperation Council” (Jeddah), as well as “Central Asia – India” (online forum). This year, the first "Central Asia" summit will be held in Astana. Japan“.

We note that other countries, as well as international organizations, are also interested in interaction in this format. In this way, an important step towards consolidating the subjectivity of the region on the world stage has been taken.

The development sector of Central Asia is an attachment to traditional values combined with a desire for modernization and advanced knowledge. This makes our region a self-sufficient and influential participant in the renewed international system. Today, we are focused on strengthening our role as the Eurasian epicenter of international geopolitical and geoeconomic transformations.
Growing economic weight, openness to innovation and intellectual potential create prerequisites for the region to become one of the drivers of the modern world order. Moreover, our countries have all the resources and capabilities for this.
Particular attention deserves the consolidation of efforts within the framework of joint participation in regional projects with external partners for comprehensive promotion of common positions on dialogue platforms.

I am convinced that the time has come for Central Asia to position itself not only as a link between Asia and Europe, but also as a separate regional partner in international relations, capable of becoming a new center of global gravity.


It is clear that the next decade will be decisive for our region and it depends only on us how effectively we use this historic chance.

In the context of global geopolitical turbulence, we have created a space of trust and common indivisible security in the region, removed barriers to regional cooperation and created the basis for bringing our multilateral cooperation to a qualitatively higher level.
Kazakhstan has established allied relations with Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan and is systematically expanding its strategic partnership with Turkmenistan.

The desire of our peoples for rapprochement is also proven by the activation of contacts at almost all levels. Mutual visits and meetings of heads of state are regular, which gives impetus to the deepening of inter-parliamentary, inter-governmental and inter-departmental relations.
Active political dialogue and goodwill have become the most important consolidating factor in the development of the five-way interaction.

The countries of the region have created a unique Central Asian format of cooperation based on such fundamental principles as mutual respect for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity and the peaceful resolution of any disagreements.

Five consultative meetings of the heads of state of Central Asia were held: in Astana, Tashkent, Turkmenbashi, Cholpon-Ata, Dushanbe. Their results, without exaggeration, deepened and expanded regional cooperation, brought it to an unprecedented level, giving the integration processes a progressive, systematic and, most importantly, continuous character.

At the first meeting in Astana in 2018, the main directions of interaction between the five countries of the region were identified. As a result, the contacts in the area of guaranteeing regional security were intensified.

During the second meeting in Tashkent in 2019, Central Asian leaders came up with a number of wide-ranging initiatives to promote regional cooperation. In particular, Kazakhstan took the initiative on the need to sign the Treaty of Friendship, Good Neighborliness and Cooperation for the Development of Central Asia in the 21st Century and to hold regular meetings of the Secretaries of the Security Councils of the countries of the region. An important result was undoubtedly the adoption of the Regulations for holding summit meetings.

The agenda of the third Turkmenbashi Summit in 2021 has become very busy. The heads of state initiated the convening of the Inter-Parliamentary and Youth Forum and the creation of the Business Council. The confirmation of the symbols of the Consultative Meetings was significant.

The main political results of the fourth meeting in Cholpon-Ata in 2022 were the start of the procedure for signing the five-party Treaty of Friendship, Good-Neighborhood and Cooperation for the Development of Central Asia in the 21st Century, as well as the approval of the Green Day Program order for Central Asia and the Concept of interaction in multilateral formats.

At the fifth anniversary meeting in Dushanbe in 2023, the first step towards institutionalizing the format of the Consultative Meetings of the Heads of State of Central Asia was taken. The leaders of the countries decided to create a Council of National Coordinators (for the consultative meetings of the heads of state of Central Asia).

On the sidelines of the sixth consultative meeting in Astana, the meetings of the heads of transport departments will be further developed, the first meeting of the ministers of energy will be held, as well as a meeting of ministers and officials on media and information issues of the countries of the region.


Overall, the regular high-level meetings gave a significant boost to cooperation in all areas. First of all, this is served by the adoption of “road maps” for the development of regional cooperation, which define measures to strengthen practical interaction.

As a result, trade-economic and business ties in the region have significantly strengthened.
In a short period by historical standards, Central Asia has become a zone of mutually beneficial cooperation with dynamically developing trade, investment, transport and communication potential.

In the last five years (2018–2023), the volume of mutual trade has almost doubled – from $5.7 billion to $11 billion. At the end of last year, domestic trade grew by nearly 25%. At the same time, Kazakhstan's trade with the countries of Central Asia last year increased by 26.8%, reaching 8 billion dollars.

Joint major projects not only bring tangible benefits to their participants, but also change the entire configuration of the economy of Central Asia.

An important area of cooperation is the development of a network of trade, logistics and industrial centers in the border areas, which can become new drivers of mutual trade and joint investment activities.

Realization of the transport and logistics potential of our countries acquires strategic importance. This area is destined to become a new starting point for the rapid development of the region.

There is a strong focus on the creation of joint ventures in the fields of industry, energy, agriculture, transport and digitalisation, which act as local growth points. An important step in this direction will be the approval this year of the Action Plan for the development of industrial cooperation between Central Asian countries.


The previous summit in Dushanbe once again confirmed that the processes of consolidating the efforts of all five countries in the name of transforming our “common home” give a powerful impetus to the transformation of Central Asia into an economically developed and prosperous region.
In this regard, the upcoming meeting in Astana aims to open a new chapter in the development of the countries of the region for the next five-year period (2024–2028).

Today, in the context of deglobalization, the intra-regional interaction between the countries of Central Asia acquires great importance both for its self-preservation as a special civilization zone and for the stabilization of the region as a whole organism. The unifying principle should be the complementarity of the five countries, conditioned by the historical and cultural community of our countries and peoples.

As the great Al-Farabi said: “The whole earth will become virtuous if peoples help each other to achieve happiness“.
At the new stage of development, we are faced with a number of significant goals and tasks, the solution of which will determine the fate of the region and the peoples living here.

FIRST. Maintaining peace and stability not only in Central Asia, but also in neighboring regions as a key condition for long-term development and progress.
One of the priority aspects of Kazakhstan's foreign policy is the pursuit of balance. We always adhere to the principle “Peace first“.

As a responsible participant in the world community, Kazakhstan declares itself in strict compliance with the principles of international law, respect for sovereignty and the inviolability of borders.
I can say with confidence that there are many countries that share Kazakhstan's point of view. The positions of many countries are complementary and aimed at creating a just, predictable world order. In our stormy times, this is a reliable foundation on which to build a constructive vision for the future.
Against the background of the ongoing difficult military-political situation on the perimeter of Central Asia, cooperation in the field of defense policy and security is necessary.

Establishing a regional security architecture, including through the development of a Catalog of Security Risks for Central Asia and measures to prevent them, is of particular importance.
The main priorities of the countries of the region are the formation of an indivisible security space in Central Asia, the search for comprehensive approaches to solving key problems in the fight against traditional and new threats, the development of response and prevention measures, as well as active interaction with the UN and others international and regional organizations in this field.
SECOND. Further development of economic potential, deepening of cooperation ties.

The permanent task of our countries, of course, remains the formation of a solid economic basis for multilateral cooperation.

Today, thanks to the joint efforts of the countries of the region and the powerful economic potential, Central Asia is becoming an area of great opportunities in trade, investment, science and innovation.

The total territory of our countries is 3,882,000 square km, the population is more than 80 million people, the total gross domestic product reaches 450 billion dollars. The region contains about 20% of the world's uranium reserves, 17.2% of oil and 7% of natural gas. In terms of coal production and electricity production, Central Asia ranks 10th and 19th in the world, respectively.
The mutual complementarity of our economies allows us to ensure their resilience to external risks and to diversify trade and production cycles. This process can be facilitated by the effective implementation of joint economic projects.

An important task is the technological development of our economies. We need to gradually move away from resource dependence. In this context, digitization and the creative industries, which cover media, cinema, music, design, education and information technology, can become points of economic growth. The countries of the region have good potential for creating joint projects in this direction.

The boom in digital and creative industries will contribute to a consistent transition from a resource-based economy to smart manufacturing.
I am convinced that economic cooperation in Central Asia can become, if not the main, then at least one of the key sources of growth for our national economies.
THIRD. The region has all the potential to become one of the most important transport, logistics and transit centers on the planet.

Central Asia is fast becoming a key link in global transport communications. First of all, it is the promising Chinese project "One Belt, One Road". and the "North-South" international transport corridor, in which all the countries of the region participate to one degree or another.
Today, our countries are promoting other promising ideas for the formation of new transport corridors.
Kazakhstan, together with its partners, is actively developing the Trans-Caspian international transport route (middle corridor), the volume of traffic can be increased five times in the medium term.

New opportunities are opening up in connection with the development of the maritime infrastructure of Kazakhstan - the ports of Aktau and Kurik, through which increasingly large volumes of cargo pass from China, the countries of Central Asia to the South Caucasus, Turkey and further to Europe.
The transport corridors that are being developed through the territory of Afghanistan will provide access to the prospective markets of the countries of South Asia and the ports of the Indian Ocean. This is in the interest of the entire region.

By uniting and expanding transport cooperation within Central Asia and with countries beyond its borders, we will be able to achieve many of our goals.

For the upcoming period, the key areas of interaction between our countries in the transit and transport sector should be the overall improvement of transport links (increasing the frequency of flights, launching new air and rail routes, modernizing border crossings, etc. ); ensuring rapid development of transport infrastructure with the introduction of innovative technologies; expansion of transit opportunities and effective use of the transit and logistics potential of the region.
FOURTH. Development of common approaches to ensure water, energy and food security.
The problem of water shortage, which in recent years affects almost all countries of the region, has a negative impact on the socio-economic situation of farmers and leads to serious economic damage to the population.

In this context, I would like to emphasize the exceptional role of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea as a unique regional platform for discussing and solving the most important water, energy, environmental and socio-economic problems.

As the current chair of IFAS, Kazakhstan proposed to strengthen cooperation within the Fund, as well as to jointly start the creation of an International Water and Energy Consortium, in which it is also important to include the food industry, since the issue with water is inextricably linked to the food security of the region. Our country is traditionally in favor of constructive and open dialogue to solve these problems.

The energy projects of the century for the entire region could be the construction of the Kambarata-1 HPP in Kyrgyzstan and the Rogun HPP in Tajikistan. The construction of these facilities will have a multiplier effect for all countries.

Global food security is affected by the ongoing geopolitical crisis. In order to minimize the dependence of Central Asian countries on external factors, coordinated measures in this direction are necessary.

For these purposes, Kazakhstan proposed to develop a Strategic Plan for ensuring food security in Central Asia until 2030 with the formation of a single information platform for analysis and exchange of data between the five countries.

An important tool for reducing the negative effect of global climate change is the transition to “green“ economy.
There is a desire in the region to realize the great natural potential of renewable energy that we have. Thus, in Kazakhstan, it is planned to increase the share of renewable energy sources to 15% by 2030, and by 2060 we intend to achieve carbon neutrality.
Widespread use of renewable energy will not only benefit the environment by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but will also help improve energy security and create new jobs. Further sharing of knowledge, resources and best practices can help strengthen cooperation in this area.
FIFTH. The most important and most valuable resource of Central Asia is the young intellectual generation.
Central Asia is one of the “youngest“ regions of the world. The average age of the population here is only 28.7 years.
According to United Nations estimates, by 2040 the average age of the region's inhabitants will decrease even further and will be 28.3 years, which is significantly lower than projections for other regions, North America (41.5), Europe (46, 8), China (48) .
This is a unique competitive advantage that opens up enormous opportunities for economic and social development for all five countries. Youth can become a driving force behind renewal processes in the economic, technological and cultural spheres. It is in the hands of the younger generation that the key to success in a global competitive environment.

In this context, the urgent tasks are deepening cooperation in the field of science and education, strengthening youth ties and forming joint platforms aimed at expanding the opportunities and realizing the potential of the younger generation.

For its part, Kazakhstan actively supports the development of inter-university cooperation, the opening of cross-affiliates of universities and joint faculties.
We highly appreciate the desire of young people from neighboring countries to receive higher education in Kazakhstan, and for our part, we are significantly increasing study quotas in our universities. Today, about nine thousand students from Central Asia study in Kazakh universities.

In recent years, representative offices of a number of leading foreign universities have been opened in our country. The number of research universities is growing. Technology parks and engineering centers are opening.

This is done as part of our strategic goal of making Kazakhstan a regional education hub.

Currently, through joint efforts, we are confidently moving towards building a unified Central Asian space for higher education.

SIXTH. An important mission is the formation of the civilizational identity of our countries based on the harmonization of cultural and humanitarian ties of fraternal nations.
Building the modern image of Central Asia, we also create a new look at the national and regional identity of our citizens.

We are connected by a special Central Asian mentality, on the basis of which a distinctive culture and traditions were formed. The pillars of Central Asian identity are respect for common historical roots, intercultural dialogue and interreligious harmony.

Historical memory is the basis of the national identity of our peoples. Justifiable pride in the achievements of our forefathers and rich culture serve as a powerful impetus for the successful development of nations in the present as well as their confident rise in the future. Therefore, we should pay more attention to the bright pages of our common past.

I think it is imperative that writing a general history of Central Asia based on Turkic, Persian, Arabic, Chinese, Russian and Western European sources is a very popular task.
To improve our global competitiveness, we must relentlessly pursue common goals while maintaining our unity. As the great Abai said: "The beginning of success is unity."

In the context of the development of geopolitical projects and ideologies in the world, the region must protect its spiritual and cultural code, which is a collection of the best traditions of hospitality, solidarity and mutual assistance, preservation of family values and many others.


In conclusion, I would like to emphasize: regional cooperation is not only an objective reality, but also a vital necessity.

In the conditions of geopolitical uncertainty and degradation of the existing model of world order, this is actually the only pragmatic approach. Our future depends on strengthening cohesion, mutual trust and openness to the world. Only on the basis of these principles will we be able to ensure the revival of Central Asia as a dynamic, innovative and culturally rich region.

Strengthening the paradigm of regional unity will serve as the most optimal response to current and future challenges, will allow us to develop consolidated approaches to limit negative trends, and will become the basis for effective countermeasures against any external forces.


For these purposes, at the proposal of Kazakhstan, a Concept for the Development of Regional Cooperation “Central Asia-2040” was prepared, which reflects the guidelines for the further development of the multilateral pentalateral interaction.

For our part, we consistently adhere to the principle “Successful Central Asia – successful Kazakhstan“ and we are ready to develop the integration processes to the extent that our strategic partners and allies in the region are ready.