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Kremena Kuneva: People don't realize how hormones after childbirth can destroy everything

Dear women, talk openly about your feelings and needs after childbirth and know that the problem IS NOT IN YOU

Oct 16, 2024 18:42 121

FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

This makes me shook violently. Very cruel.

Maybe because I myself, although I never shared it publicly, had very severe and difficult postpartum depression. It wasn't a classic option, it didn't go to extremes, but what I experienced was one of the scariest moments of my life.

People don't realize how postpartum hormones can destroy everything. From the strongest psyche they can create another person. A person you never knew.

This is how he commented on "Facebook" the case of the discovered dead young woman in childbirth from Sofia Kremena Kuneva.

People don't know how to react when dealing with a woman with postpartum depression. They often think that the words “Shut up! You have a beautiful, healthy baby, you have a home, a wonderful husband! What do you want?!“ they will help you. On the contrary!

This crushes you! It makes you feel even worse, even more guilty – that you have everything and you feel bad. Physically ill.

I got to the point where one day I couldn't get out of bed. I just couldn't. I'm done.

In the ER they put me on bromine and it felt like they put me on saline. It took me a year to recover, thanks to the strong support of my family, friends and colleagues.

People think that these conditions are a joke, that “you are just tired, but that's how it is with a small baby“, “everyone is like that!“.

No, not everyone is like that! No, this is not a normal condition, and no, it is not treated with “Tighten up!“. On the contrary, it is getting worse. A woman after giving birth should be happy, and if she is not, pay attention to her in time and take care of her.

Don't judge her! Don't call her weak! Very often this is exactly what happens to the strongest women.

Dear women, talk openly about your feelings and needs after giving birth and know that the problem IS NOT IN YOU.

Dear men, at any indication of a similar condition of their female partners – take measures and don't leave them alone or just “sleep”.

I feel so bad for this beautiful girl.

I hope that her case was not one in which she did not have the necessary support, and hopefully this tragedy will draw more attention in our society to this painful problem for a large number of women.

Depressions are not just “moods”. It is a condition that requires therapy and sometimes treatment.

Yes, unfortunately many people are ashamed to admit that they may have mental health problems, although the brain is an organ like any other and can become ill. This shame often stems from social stigmas, lack of understanding, and fear of judgment. While for physical ailments like diabetes or heart problems people seek help without hesitation, mental conditions are still perceived differently.