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Bulgarian capitalism - a turn towards hunger and humiliation of the Bulgarian!

For 35 years we have been building a parody

Mar 14, 2025 12:26 40

Bulgarian capitalism - a turn towards hunger and humiliation of the Bulgarian!  - 1
FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

If our hope in 1989 was that tomorrow would sow the power of success and the grandiose pursuit of proof, it subsequently turned into great fatigue. The absolutely false expectation of hope from the Marxist-Leninist Ivan Kostov turned out to be in tatters. Ivan wrote - "The answers - politics from within"!

Against the backdrop of the big lie about the start of capitalism in Bulgaria, I set out in an author's plan on "The questions - politics from without"!

Why? Because through politics from without we can recalculate the meaning of the 35-year transition!

The transition was absolutely false, thieving and brazen. A transition for the success of 5,000 Bulgarians, who eliminated 5 million people, in order to establish a new social order of the mysterious transition of the grandiose lie! This is the unique corruption, born and confirmed by the attempt for a new Bulgarian mafia capitalism!

The primary start for the implementation of the new market mechanism was laid on criminal gangs. The new democratic scheme of the UDF had no concept of the application of democratic principles controlled by the state. The first government of the UDF was a unique parody in practice, style, implementation and statesmanship. Both the Prime Minister and the Finance Minister were in a strange contradiction! Ivan Kostov as Finance Minister did not block the birth of the red barons. Of these, in 388 WTOs, a total of 705 people had and embezzled - 1.535 billion dollars. These original tricksters were phenomenally prepared!

They knew a lot about the power of money, about the perfection of the market, about the respect and priority of tomorrow. These 705 people of Bulgaria were the greatest traders who from 1975 to 1990 had toured all the markets of the world, spoke 2-3-4 languages, collaborated with 1-2 secret services. They were cunning, precise and clear. They knew their business and no one in Bulgaria could understand their financial persona as a myth, because this was their intact integrity.

And the Minister of Finance Ivan Kostov, who was supposed to block their accounts and take these billion and a half dollars, had never signed an invoice for 1 lev in his life. He had no concept of financial responsibility, but he wanted to become Prime Minister to take over Filip Dimitrov's chair!! That is why he started with the great intrigue, which on 20.11.1992 removed F. Dimitrov from the post of Prime Minister. Kostov overthrew Prime Minister Dimitrov and secured the debauched state for himself!

A very severe lethargy resulted towards the start of democracy in Bulgaria. Berov told me on 30.08.1994: "Kolyo, there was no force that could stop the "red barons". Tomorrow they will very severely infect the force of change, distorting the great task - the change of totalitarianism! It could even get worse, through the change of ownership!"

And he turned out to be right. Prof. Berov was a genius. He felt that he was an accomplice at the end of his life in a gloomy tomorrow's reality, a huge lie about the expected capitalism. He viewed the turning point in which he led the state as a bridgehead for a unique forgery, and this accelerated the process of his illness and death. He was considered a serious accomplice in the entire forgery of Bulgaria at that time!

We talked on 29-30.08.1994, when he instructed me on which issues to pay special attention to during my talks in London on the price of additional agreements. The agreement with the creditor banks - the London Agreement - had just entered into force, and he had planned to immediately resign as Prime Minister. And he did this as the 43rd Prime Minister on 02.09.1994, but he ruled until 17.10.1994.

Professor Berov was a uniquely honest man, he never gave in to the greed and impudence of the new bourgeois, who had accused themselves of being such. Their thievery was so offensive that when a government act was to be adopted that satisfied one of the wealthy, he would subtly isolate them. Both as a scientist and as Prime Minister, Berov was at a uniquely high intellectual level. It is no coincidence that in the early 1970s he was elected a "senior fellow" of "St. Anthony" College in Oxford.

After L. Berov's resignation, the state was taken over by the caretaker government of Reneta Indjova. The lady implemented a caretaker cabinet as a model of responsibility, but the new democrats did not recognize her because she showed uncompromising behavior. Everyone expected that Mrs. Indjova would establish other dependencies on the oligarchy, but she turned out to be perfect for President Zhelev. She did not allow anyone to abuse. They held elections for the 37th National Assembly and included a unique forgery by not allowing P. Dertliev into parliament.

This is what the BSP did. The main task was for the "red oligarchs" to appoint a "puppet" as prime minister, who would govern for 20-25 months, while they legalized, filtered and turned over the state's finances according to the most parodic plan. And they did it. They appointed Jean to the post of prime minister, and he had no clue about either the economy or the state. Honest, supposedly accurate and insightful, but they lied to him meanly. And he believed them.

On the hundredth day of the formation of the government of the 37th National Assembly-25.04.1996, I took the liberty of writing an article in "Trud": -"Today's government resembles an unprepared student for whom grades don't matter!“ After 10 days, I was fired from my job immediately, because my calculations were wrong. Then the previous ten days I was in Rome and ensured the negotiation of the correspondent relations between "Banco de Roma" and the Bulgarian Central Bank in Sofia. In parallel with the large and difficult meetings, I devoted 5-6 days to preparing a Gross Matrix for the Parity in the Commercial Banks in Bulgaria. Then I explicitly specified that if the Bulgarian banks continue to work according to the requirements of the Jean Wieden government, within 370 days they will start to go bankrupt.

And on 15-20.05 the following year, 16 banks said goodbye to their licenses! "The Red Barons" succeeded! They legitimized their money, took out part of it, capitalized another part and were ready to wait for Ivan Kostov to reward them for the second time!

The second half of 1996 passed under the great threat of inflation, the wrong exchange rate and a severe internal bankruptcy along the vertical. The IMF made several attempts, but the banks' capabilities were limited, not to mention the reserves. Even the paradox was unique when the Videnov ministers ordered companies to stop servicing bank loans and servicing old loans.

As the head of the Internal Control of the BNB, I observed and reacted, although I had no right to do so. In October 1997, I stated to "24 Chasa" that when the dollar reaches over 2,000 leva, the collapse will be complete. The search for the "red barons" money forced Kostov to quickly organize my removal from the BNB and, most importantly, the closure of Art. 22 of the BNB law. This legitimized the position of the Auditor General, which was closed and today the BNB is the only one in Europe that has been operating since Kostov's time for more than 25 years without an Auditor General.

This is a very important fact, because if it had held the position, the BNB could have proven for the period from 01.11.1997 to 10.11.1999 - 10 years from 10.11.1989 all transfers of 388 WTO and transfers from Litex Bank-Beirut and VTBanka with the control of the BNB. But Ivan Kostov liquidated this opportunity and provided the oligarchy with 1.535 billion dollars free before privatization for secondary distribution of the Bulgarian economy.

Kostov sold off state wealth for 30 billion leva at the new exchange rate for only 3 billion leva, of which over 1.1 billion leva have not been paid out to date. We lost over 550 thousand. jobs. The new bourgeois had no trace of jobs and no real basis for the style of modern capitalism for guaranteed reproduction.

The entire basis for creating the conditions for the birth of Bulgarian capitalism is in the consistent impudence, incompetence and elementaryism in the actions of Zhan Videnov and Ivan Kostov.

If you want to go into the absolute detail of perfect professionalism, both of them are absolutely financially illiterate! If you follow their style of managing state resources in detail, you will notice that during their rule, both Kostov and Videnov are simply puppets on strings. Kostov, although a theorist of political economy, behaved like an elementary cunning, who from the UDF should be pushed, satisfied with property and reacted forward on the scale of wealth!

Bulgarian capitalism did not hit worthy leaders, sincere people's concerned stewards of the wealth of that Bulgaria, which had created a solid foundation. If you compare some directions, you will fall into a stalemate of non-perception.

Bulgaria had a unique mining industry. It resold and gave away gold deposits for a 5% dividend, while in Africa it is 40%!

In sectoral industrial terms, Bulgaria had reached serious levels, and this was recognized back in 1988 by Germany. During the secret negotiations that Todor Zhivkov conducted with Germany after May 1988, it was clear that our investment activity at that time was built on a vertically linked system with guaranteed export lists.

And this industrial success was not continued, it was eroded and deliberately collapsed by such know-it-alls as at the start by Zhan Videnov and, above all, by the know-it-all Ivan Kostov. Therefore, when we evaluate today's capitalism in Bulgaria, there is no way we can not look into the past, because there is no future. The future is as false, brazen, and ugly as the recent past. It is absurd to expect strength for tomorrow if you have not concentrated all the forces and successes of the state to make it succeed!

And since the management level of the new statesmen was very low, they did not achieve the other expected change. Bulgaria over the next quarter century 2000-2025 conquered the obligatory last place in all directions of its development. And did not move up in at least one direction in Europe and the entire European Union!

This style of primacy, of elementary dependence and of constant political teasing outlined the future of elementary capitalism. This today's Bulgarian capitalism gave birth to a malicious political class - envious, incompetent and without activity for the strong state aspiration and success.

The entire aspiration of about 5,000 Bulgarians was connected with power and scale as a desire to get rich. And only 5 years after the start of the change, Bulgaria found itself at a crossroads between theft and pseudo-statehood. The aspiration of these 5,000 supposedly progressive Bulgarians was, through all possible violations of the law, to establish a political system in which they could steal and embezzle without hindrance.

And they proved this false progress by actually exporting abroad one year of the country's gross domestic product, or a whole 55 billion dollars. Neither law, nor report, nor investigation, nor prison followed for anyone. The power of this primitive capitalism was to ensure peace and impunity for the oligarchy, which co-opted the impudence, theft and humiliation through the hunger of the people.

A new capitalist Bulgaria was reborn into the poorest country in Europe, the most limited in style and state respect. Any attempts to use the expression "change" led to lies, marketing and meanness against the sought "change"!

Corruption took over the institutions, they in turn silenced the statehood and Bulgaria fell into a unique whirlpool of the Big Lie! Today the big lie is the sure transformation from the realities in the governance of Bulgaria and the advertising of some supposedly successful market style of our life.

The time is coming when the people will ask who is the driver of this national delusion, who is the propagandist? The effort to manipulate the Bulgarian people, that supposedly tomorrow capitalism will bring us the great goodness and power of governance is a falsehood! The manipulative effect that is expected from all these lies is clear - the humiliation is enormous, the hatred is affirmed as a degree of inadequacy!

This not accidental negative assessment in the Bulgarian voter sends him to hatred and huge disappointment towards the oligarchic circles. And the oligarchs compete in their lies between themselves and the sent deputies, who are their elementary defenders. That is why for 20 years they have not managed to build an anti-corruption body that would establish on the spot who is who in Bulgaria. This proverbial dependence can only be hidden behind the mask of a parody capitalism, which we have been building for 35 years!

It is time to realize to perfection - this today's Bulgarian capitalism is a turn towards hunger and, above all, the great humiliation of the Bulgarian!