CSKA marked today as a special day for the club, because the legendary host, Bai Dobri, is celebrating his 80th anniversary.
„Dobri Dimov is the man-institution for all who love the red club. A symbol of the eternal army values - dedication, loyalty, love for the cause, professionalism, for almost half a century the host of CSKA has been bloodily connected to the red idea. Witness to dozens of great victories, raised hundreds of glorious players, remained faithful to the mythical four letters even in the darkest moments… without a doubt, Bai Dobri is one of the living legends of the greatest Bulgarian club. And he has deservedly earned an honorable place in the red mythology forever!
We wish him good health and many more happy moments with his beloved team. And may his unique example be an inspiration for all who love CSKA. Just like him – with all his heart! Happy anniversary!“, wrote the "red".