Cycling can be more comfortable thanks to an innovation called Air Seat. The structure attaches between the top of the seat peg and the bottom of the seat, using the properties of a stainless steel spring to absorb vertical shock.
This efficient solution for cyclists was presented at a Taiwanese startup and is called Air Seat. Most modern seats absorb road imperfections through horizontal cushioning. But the Air Seat allows the seat to move in different directions, creating a softer ride.

At the front of the Air Seat there is a horizontal spring that allows the seat to tilt slightly from side to side. When cycling on uneven surfaces, the silicone bumpers inside the Air Seat significantly reduce the feeling of shaking.
The gadget is available in several variants with a payload of 80, 100, 120 or 130 kg and in two colors: black and silver. The presented variations have an aluminum and galvanized body. The price of such a bicycle accessory varies from 43 to 87 dollars. See more.