Unusually warm weather for the season with temperatures up to 30 degrees at the end of the week on the island of Crete is expected by Greek meteorologists in a forecast quoted by the Greek media.
Today, temperatures are expected to be in the range of 21-22 degrees in most of the country. Local rainfall is forecast in western and northern Greece on Wednesday and Thursday, but it will stop on Friday and Saturday, and very high temperatures for the season will set in, especially in eastern and southern Greece, Sky TV reported.
A real summer heat is expected on the island of Crete, with thermometers showing around 30 degrees in the northern part of the island.
However, lovers of warm winter days on the beach should keep in mind that the sea water temperature is still quite low - from 12 degrees in the northern part of the Aegean Sea to 18 degrees off the southern coast of Crete, according to data from the Greek Meteorological Service.
As reported by the Cretan news portal Chania News, atmospheric circulation in the coming days will be favorable for the intensive transport of Saharan sand into the country.