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Today's weather, forecast for Thursday, December 5: Cloudy with scattered light rain

Maximum temperatures will be between 5° and 10°

Dec 5, 2024 03:00 195

Today's weather, forecast for Thursday, December 5: Cloudy with scattered light rain  - 1

Winds will ease in many areas and in the morning hours, in some places in the plains, there will be reduced visibility, BNT reported.

Minimum temperatures will be between 2° and 7°, in Sofia - about 2, and the maximum - between 5° and 10°, in Sofia - 5°. The weather will remain cloudy during the day, and light rain will fall in some places. It will blow weak, in Eastern Bulgaria - a moderate wind with a direction from east-northeast.

It will also remain windy along the Black Sea, in places with light rain. The wave of the sea will be 2-3 points, which corresponds to a wave height of about one meter.

Light snowfall and light south wind in the mountains tomorrow, as well as a slight rise in temperatures.

It will also rain on Friday, and with the slight decrease in minimum temperatures, snow will also fall in the north-western regions in the morning. And on Saturday it will rain in some places, but warming will begin, which will continue in the following days. On Monday, the probability of precipitation increases in more regions of the country and more significant in quantity.