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On this day, the Church honors St. Spyridon the Miracle Worker

Dec 12, 2023 04:54 71

On this day, the Church honors St. Spyridon the Miracle Worker - one of the great saints and miracle workers of the 4th century.

Traditions and customs

Folk beliefs are that the saint protects against skin diseases. Therefore, women make special ritual breads and distribute them for health. Saint Spyridon is also the patron saint of potters, tilers, bricklayers and goatherds.

The people say that St. Spyridon was a kondurji (shoemaker), so even today those working in the shoe industry and shoemakers honor his day. Other crafts are also celebrated – tailors, tailors, coppersmiths, carpenters. Of course, as a memory of the stories about him, tilers and bricklayers pay special respect to him. He is also considered the patron saint of horses and cattle. The goatherds also celebrate.
The cult of this saint is most widespread in South and Southeast Bulgaria. It is especially popular among the Christian population of the Rhodopes and in the region of Blagoevgrad.

The day is celebrated against wounds, cuts, rashes and pimples (scabs), eczema. The people believe that St. Spyridon is the healer of these diseases and in his honor they knead kolaches – breads, small cows, which are distributed to neighbors and relatives with the wish that the saint will drive the disease away from home. He not only cured diseases, but also begged for rain in a drought, and stopped the rain in a sleet, which is why he was revered by both the poor and the rich.

Where they have him as the patron saint of horses, women distribute ritual bread early in the morning for the health of the animals.


No women's work is done. Do not sew. If a woman is stabbed on this day, the wound will not heal easily. Don't crumble corn, don't boil grains (lentils, beans, peas, etc.) so that pimples don't appear on the body.

Weather forecasts

What is the weather like during the 12 days after St. Spyridon, this is how it will be in the corresponding months of the next year: the first day corresponds to January, the second – February, etc. This is part of two cycles of 12-day forecasts that are made from December 1 to 12 and from December 12 to 24.
The people especially carefully monitored the time before the transition from one annual cycle to another, from one state of the world to another, when time was still intermediate, marginal and borderline.

Not only the days, but also 12 following nights show what the months to come will be like.

With the feast of St. Spyridon (December 12) is associated with the winter holiday of St. Anna (December 9) and of Prov. Daniel (December 17). They complement the ritual idea of transition, of moving on to something new. St. For the Bulgarians, Anna Zimna is the patroness of sorcerers, sorceresses, witches, charmers. St. Anna is also the mother of the Virgin. She protected marriage, family, maidens, pregnant women and widows. On December 17, all women who still give birth and have small children celebrate; loaves are kneaded and distributed again so that the year will be fruitful. Both holidays are female, in their essence they are a celebration of the female, fruitful beginning. Their goal is to ensure a happy transition and success in the new annual cycle.

Celebrating Daren, Darenko, Darian, Darius, Darin, Darian, Darko, Daro, Daryo, Spyridon, Spiro, Dara, Darena, Dariana, Darina, Darinka, Daria, Dariana, Darka, Daria