The Orthodox and Catholic Churches celebrate Saint Nicephorus of Constantinople - St. Nicephorus was elevated to Patriarch of Constantinople in 806, a few years after the Seventh Ecumenical Council condemned the iconoclastic heresy, writes BLITZ.
In Antioch (Syria) lived a presbyter named Saprikius and a commoner named Nicephorus.
For many years they were like brothers. But at one point they quarreled so much that they no longer wanted to even see each other.
But Nicephorus realized that these relations were not good and therefore sent his friends to Saprikius to ask for forgiveness on his behalf. But Saprikius did not forgive him. After some time, Nicephorus again sent his friends to ask for his forgiveness, but again to no avail. The latter sent his friends a third time, and for the third time Sapricius did not forgive him. Nicephorus himself went to him, begged him, fell on his knees and asked for forgiveness, but Sapricius still did not forgive him.
Persecutions against the Christians arose, and Sapricius was brought to trial before the governor. He fearlessly confessed his faith before him. The governor asked him to renounce Christ by offering sacrifice to idols, but Sapricius refused. They subjected him to torture, but they could not persuade him to renounce his faith, and he was sentenced to death by beheading with a sword.
They set out to lead the priest to his execution, but suddenly the procession was stopped by Nicephorus. He threw himself at Sapricius' feet and began to beg him: "Forgive me!" But even then, Sapricius did not forgive him. And he continued to the place designated for his punishment. Nikephoros ran after him and begged him to forgive him.
But Sapricius was adamant. They brought him to the place of punishment. The executioner raised his sword and ordered him to bow his head. Sapricius asked him: "For what do you want to punish me?"
"Because you do not want to offer sacrifice to idols" - the executioner replied. "I will offer" - Saprikius unexpectedly declared, renouncing his faith.
Then Nicephorus fell at his feet: ”Remember, beloved brother! – he exhorted him. – “Do not deny the Lord, do not lose the heavenly crown, which you have woven through many sufferings!” But Saprikius did not listen to him.
Then Nicephorus said to the soldiers: ”I am a Christian, punish me with death instead of him”. Thus Nicephorus died in the place of his dear friend Saprikius, who in a moment of weakness and fear renounced his faith. God's grace had left him, because he was unwilling to forgive Nicephorus.
A name day celebrates Nicephorus and his descendants.
Who has a name day today, March 13, 2025. Congratulations!
The Orthodox and Catholic Churches celebrate Saint Nicephorus of Constantinople
Mar 13, 2025 06:58 37