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Weather today, forecast for Sunday, December 22: Sunny, more clouds in the Northeast

Maximum temperatures will be between 3 and 8°

Dec 22, 2024 04:45 124

Weather today, forecast for Sunday, December 22: Sunny, more clouds in the Northeast  - 1

Sunny weather will prevail on Sunday, BNR reported.

There will be more significant cloudiness before noon over the northeastern regions, and after noon in places in southeastern Bulgaria. There will be a moderate west-northwest wind, in the northeast and temporarily strong. Minimum temperatures will be minus 3° and 2°, in Sofia - around minus 3°. Maximum temperatures will be between 3 and 8°, in the capital - 2°.

It will be mostly sunny in the mountains. A moderate to strong west wind will blow. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 m. will be 1°, at 2000 m. around minus 4°.

On the Black Sea coast it will be sunny to partly cloudy. There will be more significant cloudiness before noon over the northern regions, and after noon in places in the southern regions. Maximum temperatures will be from 7 to 10°. Sea water is 10-12°. Sea waves will be 3-4 points.

On Monday the cloudiness will increase rapidly again and it will rain from the west.