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Todor Todorov: 40% of children play the lottery on the mathematics matriculation exam after the 7th grade

"Mathematics for All Children" insists on a national strategy for the development of mathematics education in junior high school

Feb 11, 2025 11:19 111

Todor Todorov: 40% of children play the lottery on the mathematics matriculation exam after the 7th grade  - 1

There is no national strategy for the development of mathematics education in junior high school. This is what the civil society group "Mathematics for All Children" is warning about. Todor Todorov explained to the Bulgarian National Radio:

"There is only a partial regional strategy, which is under the umbrella of the Regional Education Departments and it only affects mathematics high schools. We have relatively good results there. From there on, everything is in the hands of the school principals themselves, which is a bit unfair, who in turn are faced with the fact that there are no teachers with experience in advanced mathematics teaching".

According to him, there is an increased interest in mathematics among students in the 4th grade. A large part of well-prepared students remain without access to advanced mathematics education in junior high school, he warned in the program "Predi visi". According to him, this leads to significant demotivation:

"At the end of the 7th grade, at the matriculation exams, we observe some rather worrying results. The matriculation grades in the 4th grade in mathematics are relatively good. We can say that if children guess the results in the 4th grade - this is at most 5% of the children. In the 7th grade, however, those children who play the lottery on the matriculation exam are about 40%. We observe that the grades are not very good. About 50% of all children in the country have below 37 points. Usually abroad it is taken as a standard that one must score 60% in order to be able to say that one has passed this exam. In Bulgaria, it is a little different. The Ministry of Education and Science has lower criteria. And this is a problem".

Todor Todorov expressed the opinion that the Ministry of Education and Science should develop a strategy and transfer experience between teachers in high schools and those in secondary schools. According to him, there should be more hours for exercises for those who wish.