„I hear the fragmented opposition wanting to overthrow the government and demanding early elections, but at the same time, surveys indicate that citizens want stability in the state and we are ready to provide this stability. We are ready to work in a situation of floating majorities”.
This was told to NOVA NEWS by Deputy Prime Minister and BSP chairman Atanas Zafirov.
„The formula of joint governance, in addition to a common program and priorities, is also based on a political moral commitment to the Bulgarian people. Early parliamentary elections would repeat the combination in this parliament, but would put a brake on national priorities”, he said.
„We live in constant instability. The axis that divides the parties will be along this line - will we continue to be a function of this instability or do we support the efforts of the parties that have overcome their party egos and put their national priorities first”, added Zafirov.
„We are witnessing a fragmented opposition. The three parties are consistent in fulfilling their moral commitment to Bulgarian society”, he pointed out.
„Majesty” is already part of the parliament and must start behaving as a political force. To be such, they must determine their priorities”, said the Deputy Prime Minister.
„Budget 2025 is a budget that has a clear and categorical social vector”, he emphasized.
„We are for a balanced position that speaks of peace. "The most important thing is to confirm that not a single Bulgarian soldier will be sent to Ukraine," concluded Zafirov.