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Peevski or Dogan: who will take the desperation joke?

Four years ago, hundreds of Bulgarian Muslims stood for hours in hell to testify their devotion to the person of Ahmed Dogan and the inviolability of the territory ruled by him

Aug 31, 2024 19:01 246

Peevski or Dogan: who will take the desperation joke?  - 1
FAKTI.BG publishes opinions with a wide range of perspectives to encourage constructive debates.

Dogan lost his home, but he will keep is your party And can Peevski maintain his influence in "hoops" if DPS is not behind him? Emilia Milcheva is looking for the answers.

Who tried the Depesar joke* is an ambiguous question after the honorary chairman of DPS Ahmed Dogan threw out his "phenomenon" Delyan Peevski from DPS, but also Dogan was thrown out of the two residences he lived in - in Boyana and Rosenets Park. The first in the DPS lost his home, but will he keep (his) party? Sanctioned for corruption by the USA and Great Britain, Peevski maintained his influence in the "hoops" and the power of the state through people who are at his disposal, but if he loses the DPS, how long will he have them? The battle in the DPS, which is not abating, but is intensifying, is a consequence of political addictions and the inaction of the judicial system, which does not seek and does not find a truthful answer for the behind-the-scenes influence and for the inexplicable enrichment of politicians and magistrates.

The escalation of tension in the DPS will affect the results of the elections on October 27, and thus the formation of a regular government and the shifting of balances in the judicial system. If it continues to serve the heavy addictions of politicians, then only the proxies behind the scenes have changed and the option for change that the conflict in the DPS opens up has been wasted. The election of members of the Supreme Judicial Council (SJC) from the political quota, of the Inspectorate at the SJC, whose mandates have long expired, of new judges at the Constitutional Court is urgent. And the SJC will have to elect a new chief prosecutor and a new president of the Supreme Administrative Court (SAC).

Rosenets 2.0 - again in defense of Dogan

In July 2020, after landing the rubber boat with Hristo Ivanov, Ivaylo Mirchev and Dimitar Naydenov from "Yes, Bulgaria" on the beach in Rosenets, over 8,000 DPS activists were bussed in to support their leader, who had lived undisturbed until then in the summer residence. With their unreservedly given votes, these people consolidate a vicious model of exercising power, which destroys democracy, kills justice and from which not a single ordinary Bulgarian citizen benefits.

Four years ago, hundreds of Bulgarian Muslims stood for hours in hell to testify their devotion to the personality of Dogan and the inviolability of the territory ruled by him, but de jure property of a private company. The problem with the origin of the funds has always existed for a politician who only declared a dubious fee of 1.5 million BGN in his property declaration - "for marketing research". At that time, Dogan and Peevski were an inseparable whole, the two faces of the same model.

Now the DPS active, who remained loyal to Dogan, are again playing a rallying cry for the honorary chairman, because this whole has exploded - and the conflict will not end with peace talks, nor will there be a happy ending. "Too much has been taken from the boy," Dogan says, and "there's no going back for him." But when "the boy" he ate too much power, the bodies he controlled extorted people and businesses, and the media threw his opponents into the mud, the honorary chairman did not intervene - the model is above everything.

The former Minister of Transport in the cabinet "Oresharski" (BSP-DPS) Danail Papazov, until recently Dogan's business partner, turned out to be the owner of the two barns where Dogan lived - in "Boyana" and in Rosenets, and insisted in a position to the media that he release them because he was staying "without reason" in them. The land on which the mansion was built was purchased by "Lukoil Neftohim", the beach to it was masked so that it could not be used by outsiders, and there were also illegal buildings. All this - to guarantee the luxury and inviolability of the honorary chairman. The Dogan-Peevski war put an end to this comfort.

Will Peevski make it to the end?

The Ministry of Internal Affairs does not intervene in a civil dispute, as it has no relation to it. This was understood from the message sent by the interior department after the two reports filed by activists, because of "Boyana" and Rosenets - that the security of the honorary chairman is at risk. The materials from the inspections will be handed over to the prosecutor's office. However, the Ministry of the Interior is obliged to intervene if there is a court decision to vacate the properties.

If someone occupies a property without a legal basis, however, the owner has a legal right to apply to a bailiff for enforcement proceedings. In the event that the bailiff meets resistance, he has the right to ask the Ministry of the Interior to assist him in taking possession.

Police against DPS activists and possible clashes? This would have a dangerous impact not only on DPS voters, but also on the election campaign as a whole. It seems that the Peevski camp is currently considering whether to go all the way, and the caretaker government of Dimitar Glavchev does not want to get involved.

The outcome of the legal dispute is also pending

The two camps are sure to meet in court after Dogan and his circle at the Central Operations Bureau (COB) excluded Peevski, along with seven from his camp, as well as a dozen DPS regional chairmen - nearly a third of all regional leaders. Whether these actions were legal or illegal, whether there was a quorum required by statute for the decisions and how they will affect the future registration for the elections - the court will decide.

Before the BNR, lawyer Mihail Ekimdzhiev predicted that the decision would fall. "Most likely, the Supreme Administrative Court will decide to what extent the decision to exclude Delyan Peevski from the DPS is legitimate and the decision will fall", said Ekimdzhiev, who referred to the "long-lasting unhygienic relationship and influence". on the management of this court, which has become "an appendage of the backstage, personified by Peevski and Borisov".

And then? Depessari shots are no longer just kicks, but more and more powerful blows to the opponent. It will also hurt others outside the DPS, but for society the question is whether Bulgarian democracy will win or lose from this battle.

*Akhmed Dogan quote from 1992, when the DPS withdrew its support and accordingly overthrew the government of Philip Dimitrov


This comment expresses the personal opinion of the author and may not coincide with the positions of the Bulgarian editorial team and of DV as a whole.