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Radan Kanev: PP and DB made a gross and hard-to-correct mistake

Comment on the situation in the parliament

Nov 28, 2024 20:56 146

I will go straight: First We are continuing the change, and today Democratic Bulgaria also made a gross and hard-to-correct mistake. In my eyes - and very difficult to forgive.

This is what the MEP from PP-DB Radan Kanev wrote on his personal Facebook page, commenting on today's seventh unsuccessful attempt to elect the Speaker of the Parliament. Here's what else he shared:

"That's it in a nutshell. The other is long and perhaps tedious arguments for a statement that I find so obvious that it doesn't even need explanation.

I know the logic “But why should we criticize publicly” and please spare her for me. First, I have stated my position many times and in every possible format of the coalition. Second and more importantly, my judgment is that this is a political decision that cannot be passed over in silence, or at least I cannot. Because public silence would make me sympathetic to a policy that goes against everything I've been in …politics for two decades.

Error has three dimensions, which I rank in descending order of importance:

1) Today's PP-DB vote is politically unprincipled. No arguments of the type “to stop Sarafov” do not justify allying with an anti-European, anti-Putin, anti-democratic and anti-market political formation. Not in today's geopolitical moment, and in my opinion - never.

2) Today's vote is also small-time. It does not answer any of the big questions and problems facing our society. It does not point to a way out of the political crisis. It does not offer a solution to economic challenges. It does not even solve the short-term problem of the 2025 budget, because the chosen partners are unfit to propose meaningful solutions. It does not help, but hinders the active inclusion of Bulgaria in EU politics.

And above all - contrary to his request, he does not provide a way out of the corruption grip on our institutions, including the prosecutor's office and justice as a whole. Filchev, Tsatsarov, Geshev, Sarafov and even Peevski are just faces and fuses of a problem that cannot be solved quickly and easily. And in no case - in collusion with agents of Kremlin influence in our politics. Because it is essentially a post-communist and post-Soviet phenomenon, thoroughly supported by this influence and tirelessly producing these agents and persons.

3) Today's decision is both stupid and therefore unsuccessful. Big compromises in politics are made for the sake of big results (this does not change my opinion that the particular compromise is unacceptable).

“The only unforgivable thing is to fail” - shouted Clavel, through the mouth of Toranaga, in “Shogun”. I have failed more than once and I know how right he is .

And if a lot of stupidity can be justified out of nowhere due to lack of experience or surprising circumstances, relying on BSP in the fight against corruption is too obvious stupidity.

Those politicians in the PP-DB who did not comply with the wrong decision, and those who resisted it to the last, but showed discipline, also deserve congratulations. Both are understandable. If I were in the Bulgarian parliament, I would choose the first, but I also accept the second. Politics also requires personal responsibility, but it is also a team activity.

And so that there are no unnecessary interpretations - I am and remain part of the PP-DB coalition, a member of the only party I have ever been in - Democrats for a strong Bulgaria. And I even remain a supporter of preserving the unity of the coalition. Filled with deep doubts that, with its current policy, structure and leadership, it is capable of fulfilling its important national tasks.