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Weather today, forecast for Friday, December 13: Sunny in the western and central regions, cloudy in the east

Maximum temperatures will be between 3° and 8°, in the southwestern regions up to 11°

Dec 13, 2024 06:18 152

Weather today, forecast for Friday, December 13: Sunny in the western and central regions, cloudy in the east  - 1

In the morning, temperatures will be negative in many regions of the country, BNT reported.

Expectations are minimum values between minus 3° and 2°, in Sofia - around minus 3°, on the sea coast - around 1 - 2°. It will be sunny in the western and central regions, while over Eastern Bulgaria the cloudiness will increase. Maximum temperatures will be between 3° and 8°, in the southwestern regions up to 11°, in Sofia - around 6°. The wind will be from the north-northeast and in the eastern parts it will be moderate.

It will be mostly sunny in the mountains of Western Bulgaria and in the Rhodope Mountains. It will be cloudy over the eastern and central parts of the Stara Planina.

Light snow will fall on the highest parts. It will also be windy there, with moderate winds, and in the higher parts a temporarily strong northwest wind.

There will also be sunny hours in the Balkans, but also areas with reduced visibility due to fog or low cloud cover. Temperatures there will also decrease and the maximum in the capitals will be from 2° in Zagreb to 16° in Athens.

On Saturday there will also be sunny hours, but after noon and during the night towards Sunday in many places precipitation from rain is expected, which in the high fields and lower mountain areas will turn into snow. On Sunday,
after a temporary stop, around and after noon, it will rain and snow again in places. It will also be windy, and temperatures will continue to drop. During the first days of the new week, there will be variable cloudiness, more significant still on Monday.