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Weather today, forecast for Sunday, February 9: In the east it will remain cloudy, snow may fall

Maximum temperatures in most places will be between 0° and 5°

Feb 9, 2025 05:32 86

Weather today, forecast for Sunday, February 9: In the east it will remain cloudy, snow may fall  - 1

Before noon, the cloudiness over most of the Danube Plain will be significant, but around and after noon it will break and decrease, BNT reported.

Over the eastern regions it will remain cloudy. In some places there will be light snow, and in the extreme southeastern regions - light rain mixed with snow. Maximum temperatures in most places will be between 0° and 5°, in the extreme southwestern regions - up to 9 - 11°, in Sofia - around 3°.

Over the Black Sea coast the cloudiness will be significant, in some places with light snowfall, in the extreme southern parts - rain and snow. A moderate northerly wind will blow most often. Maximum temperatures will be between 1° and 5°. Sea waves will be 3 - 4 points.

Sunny weather will prevail in the mountains. A moderate wind will blow from the east-northeast. The maximum temperature at an altitude of 1200 meters will be around minus 1°, at 2000 meters - around minus 6°.

In the first days of the new week, it will remain relatively cold for the period. The prevailing minimum temperatures will be between minus 8° and minus 3°, and the maximum - between 1° and 6°. Cloud cover will be broken, over many areas to mostly sunny weather. In the middle of the week, cloud cover will increase over Western Bulgaria and in places, mainly in the southwestern regions, light snow will fall. Temperatures will slightly increase.