The Constitutional Court (CC) assigned the Central Election Commission (CEC) to recount the results of the parliamentary elections on October 27. The reason is that an expert examination found errors in the protocols in hundreds of polling stations. The news comes after five complaints were filed with the Constitutional Court requesting the annulment of the vote. All parties in the 51st parliament except GERB and “DPS - New Beginning” expressed doubts about the fairness of the elections and demanded their annulment. This was also done by the MPs from the “Veličie” party, which did not have enough 21 votes to enter the National Assembly. President Rumen Radev also doubted the fairness of the vote. “There will be no new counting of ballots, but the introduction of the results of the counting carried out within the framework of the expertise in the case,” said CEC spokeswoman Rositsa Mateva. What is next… Krasimira Katincharova from the “Veličie” party spoke to FACTI.
- Ms. Katincharova, will the “Veličie” party enter the parliament after the Constitutional Court recounted the votes in 2,204 polling stations and found violations in 46% of them?
- Let's clarify something extremely important – The Constitutional Court ordered the CEC in a flowery and ambiguous manner to recount the ballots throughout the country (let everyone carefully read the Constitutional Court's ruling of 26.02.), but the CEC refused to do so, announcing that it would not count, but would recount. This, together with the protracted and adjusted legal proceedings to the needs of the political situation, speaks of the fulfillment of a political order and an unworthy collaboration of institutions that are called upon to protect the integrity of the vote, but instead contribute to the trampling of basic democratic rights of Bulgarian citizens.
In this sense, I cannot say whether “Majesty“ will enter parliament – the power in our country is usurped and illegitimate and does not work according to the rules.
One thing is certain – “Majesty“ is dangerous for this government and therefore is outside the National Assembly. If we are admitted to this NA, it is very likely that its fate will already be decided.
- From the “Majesty“ party, you conducted your own count, because you had the opportunity to personally check the ballots that the Constitutional Court is considering. What did your count show?
- Although the deputies from “Majesty“, together with another 52 members of parliament from the 50th parliament, are parties to this case, we do not have access to the election papers and other materials in the case. Within 3 days, we were allowed by the court to read, but not to photograph or receive these materials in electronic form. We read the conclusions of the experts who re-counted in a total of 2204 election sections and part of their conclusions, and we published our reports from the review of the materials by the Constitutional Court, so that everyone can familiarize themselves with them. In general, we can summarize the materials from the ordered verification and recount of ballots in a total of 2204 polling stations as follows:
- in 46.75% of the verified polling stations there is a difference in the number of actual votes and those noted in the protocols by the Central Election Commission
- in 35.78% of the polling stations there are discrepancies in the number of invalid ballots. 36 out of every 100 invalid ballots are converted into valid ones.
- In the depopulated municipality of Varbitsa there are 4 mobile polling stations in which a huge number of voters voted, which are physically impossible to visit in one day. Only in one there are 216 votes, in the other - 150. In these sections there is no commission with all parties represented - only two from the MRF... The situation is similar in the municipality of Venets
- According to the log files of the machines, voting was done every 30-40 seconds by machine
- A large number of defective ballots from the machine voting were found, recorded in the machine's memory. In many cases, they were stamped and put in the ballot box and more and more irregularities
- A huge problem with the replacement of SICs on October 25, 26 and 27. In the Pleven REC, such replacements were made en masse, and illegally. But this is not only there, it is always on behalf of certain parties - this is a political order
- Graphological expertise proves that in three districts ballots with No. 8 (DPS-New Beginning) were filled in with the same handwriting
- The Constitutional Court issued a ruling, not a decision. Let us explain what the difference is…
- This means that after the CEC provides the data requested by the Constitutional Court,
they will not be made public, but will be provided to the court, which, based on additional arguments and submitted opinions from interested parties, will issue a final decision on constitutional case No. 33.
- Then we heard from the CEC that there will be no new counting of all votes, but only the changes that have been established by the Constitutional Court will be given to the Information Service to be entered as new data. Why doesn't the CEC want to count all the ballots again…
- Because the CEC is an accomplice in the theft of the vote of Bulgarian voters and a recount, as well as a basic review of the election papers, together with actions and inaction on the part of the CEC, would unequivocally expose them in this.
- According to Constitutional Judge Atanas Semov, there are “… here 2 votes more, there less, here missing votes in a section at all, there 50 or a hundred ballots filled in by the same person, proven by graphic expertise“. What is this?
- It's called election fraud. Period!
- The question was also raised as to why so many members of election commissions were replaced on the last day before the elections?
- By law, replacement of members of the SIC can be carried out under explicit conditions and extraordinary circumstances such as illness, inability to travel, etc. The replacements were carried out at the request of political parties of entire SIC formations at the last minute, even on election day. You will be surprised to learn what striking and scandalous cases there are. The commissioned members and formations ensure the desired election result. This is part of the election fraud - illegal SICs count the votes. This is absurd!
- According to Judge Semov, there are many errors in the protocols, but most of them were not made on purpose. Is this so…
- There are certainly unintentional errors in the protocols. If they lead to the inscription of 2400 votes for the status quo parties in only 1700 sections, then the last thing they can be determined by is “involuntary”. If in almost half of roughly 2000 sections there is a discrepancy and inaccuracies, then what is the discrepancy in the remaining nearly 11,000?! If ballots are missing in 10 election sections, how many are missing in the remaining 11,000? And what will the Constitutional Court explain to those who voted in them - that they will be left without political representation and their vote will simply not be counted?! It will go in the trash - as the expert of the Constitutional Court, Prof. Krasimir Kalinov, says?! And will their basic constitutional right be violated?! And how will this affect the election results, since our electoral system is proportional and the invalidation of votes in one section affects the result of at least several other sections?! There is only one fair outcome - it is a complete annulment of the election results!
- What further actions will you take from „Veličie“?
- The members of parliament from „Veličie“ are exhausting all legal options for challenging the election results. We are appealing to the European Court of Human Rights, we have filed two complaints with the European Commission for violations of the Treaty on European Union and for violations of civil and human rights. We are publishing all the materials we have been able to get acquainted with, we continue to denounce the theft of the vote, the trampling of democracy, the usurpation of power in Bulgaria. From the „Veličie“ party, we are the only ones who have proven electoral fraud on such a scale and in such a short time, and we are currently writing history. We are proving that there have been no fair elections in Bulgaria for 35 years, the results cannot be disputed and this is no coincidence. This is set by the so-called “architects of democracy“ and electoral legislation. We live in the illusion of democracy. The awakening is late, painful, but healthy. The later we realize, the higher price we will pay. We call on everyone for civic activity, intransigence towards lies and theft, protection of our civil rights.
Krasimira Katincharova to FACTI: "Majesty is dangerous for this government and that's why she is outside the parliament
The Constitutional Court ordered the CEC in a flowery and ambiguous way to recount the ballots throughout the country (let everyone carefully read the Constitutional Court's ruling of February 26, 2024), but the CEC refused to do so, she says
Mar 5, 2025 13:13 72